Comfortable in Your Skin

The fact that this is still a huge issue going into the new year hurts my soul! Everywhere I travel too I always see the billboards, the magazines, and all the commercials explaining to people how they can get their “better body” in weeks or look 20 years younger in days.

But why?

Why can’t we, as individuals, learn to love everything that sets us apart from the body builders and the people who supposedly never age. After all, being unique is one of the most awesome things to be in this crazy adventure we call life.

We each bring something to the table that no one else can and I think that’s astonishing in itself. But just in case YOU need a little boost in your confidence, here’s some tips on feeling comfortable in your own skin:

Fashion Choices

Believe it or not the fashion industry has made strides to put all sizes on the runway so that anyone with the passion for fashion can have the looks they dream of wearing! So what’s stopping you?

For many people its the thought of looking “out of the ordinary” or “uninspiring” to other people. We have this little voice that sometimes grows to be gargantuan and ultimately we fall short of the mark on buying that dress or wearing those shoes.

Here’s the thing.

You shouldn’t buy clothes to impress people. Ever!

The only person you should be trying to impress is yourself! YOU know that dress looks great on your curves. YOU know those shoes complete your outfit. YOU know that suit is going to turn heads and whatever negative thing people say should go into one ear and out of the other because, lets face it, 10 times out of 10 whatever it is that your wearing looks absolutely stunning on you!

Gym Leader (Not Pokémon)

“With this shake, you can lose weight in as little as six months!”

“This machine makes working out easy! It doesn’t feel like I’m losing weight!”

“Don’t worry about the gym! This workout belt can help you lose those love-handles in no time!”

Sound familiar?

It’s a bit scary that these commercial ads seem to get more clever in manipulating your mind into thinking that you need their so called product in order to look good. As a person who goes to the gym a “healthy” amount, I can tell you that NONE of those products do what you want them to do. The honest truth is, if you want to work out, you have to get to a gym!

BUT, that’s only if YOU feel like you need to work-out.

I’ve been told all my life that I’m too skinny and I look sick and unhealthy. It got to a point where I began comparing myself to everyone around me who looked “healthy” and by doing so, I lost a lot of confidence. I begin eating everything I could get my hands on in order to gain weight but the only thing I gained was weeks upon weeks of being sick!

Then it hit me.

Why am I gorging myself for everyone’s else approval? I know I look just fine, and I’ve been to the doctor plenty of times to know I’m healthy.

My point is, if you feel truly feel comfortable in your own skin then you don’t have to go to the gym at all! The gym takes dedication and focus. For a lot of people, its their passion. The way I see it, the gym leaders who you see at the gym everyday don’t feel as confident as you do so they work out to get their confidence. It has nothing to do with you or how you look!


What I want everyone to take from this is that you can’t spend your life hungry from everyone else’s approval. YOU are your biggest critic no matter who comes along to cut yourself some slack and be fine with saying, “I look amazing” every time you look in the mirror.

If you still can’t do it confidently, then make changes. Just be sure you’re making those changes for you and only you!




New Year, Same You!

Happy New Year!

May be a day late and a dollar short but I never got to tell you awesome fashionistas, so there you go! It may sound cliché, but I honestly love the idea of starting over for a new year. Over time I’ve learned that I should give each year all that I’ve got to give to get the most out of them. Not necessarily ‘new year, new me’ but more of a new year, new challenges to overcome.
Think of it like a video game. You spend days on one stage leveling up in order to get ready for the giant boss fight waiting on the other side of the door. I think of each new year as a giant boss fight, I’m just getting ready to overcome it!


Everyone has them whether you want to admit it or not. Over the years, people have come to think of resolutions as empty promises to themselves that they never achieve. The excuses for the not achieving those goals are endless but usually the main reason is you psych yourself out of it!

None of your new year goals will come true if you don’t put in the confidence to actually achieve them. That means putting in as much energy that you have at the beginning of the year for the ENTIRE year! I know it sounds easier said than done but if you’re like me and you hate tedious repetition then you’ll find the energy to stray away from the norm of every year!

Make it Achievable

While its good to have those new year resolutions its also smart to make them doable! Finding love, owning a business, and becoming the president of the united states are prime examples of how not to make a new years resolution. Instead, why not create goals that help that outcome! For example: socializing more can lead to you meeting new people and studying well and getting educated through business technology can help you become owner of a business.

Its the little things that matter more than the big outcome. You can even try to make it so that you accomplish something small towards your ultimate goal monthly!

Find Yourself

It’s never too late to truly find yourself. It comes to some people at an early age and for others its later on in life but no matter when it comes be open to the changes! I look at life like an awesome adventure full of challenges and rewards (just like video games!). Sometimes you’ll win and sometimes you’ll but each time you grow wiser and become stronger! I don’t believe in anyone being bad at living their life to the fullest. I believe that people are unique and their respected adventure that their on is unique as well.

No matter how you look at life or the new year, remember that you’re only human. Nothing is out to get you and you’re going to get where you need to be this year and in the future! So let’s make this year one to remember!



Thanksgiving Dos and Don’ts

The time has come ladies and gentlemen!

The turkey is cooking, the homemade stuffing is prepared, the smell of a cornucopia has filled the house.

Well maybe not that far but still, Thanksgiving is upon us!

Thanksgiving is a great holiday that brings families and friends together for a day just to give thanks to each other. And of course, stuff your faces with AMAZING food. Seriously, there’s nothing better than turkey day food (especially in the south!).

But with all the preparations revolving around the food, many people forget the steps for making themselves look amazing during the feast. Don’t get me wrong, the month of November is all about sweatpants and ugly sweaters but I’m pretty sure we can all look presentable for one day out of the month.

Here are a few tips on how to look your best during Thanksgiving!

Colors of the Wind

No, I’m not talking about Pocahontas and John Smith frolicking through the great open plains with the wind. I”m talking about the colors you should go for in your quest to find that amazing outfit for the celebration.

I mentioned before in a previous post that seasons change and so should your colors! Reds, yellows, and browns are all great colors for this particular season and even better for the setting of Thanksgiving. Simple keys to follow while mixing with these colors are:

  • The Blending/Offset
  • Is It Too Bright/Too Dark
  •  Too Much of One Color

You should never just stick to one color. Its basic and you could possibly become camouflaged into a wall that is the same color. Always try to blend your color with another color and find a balance between the two. Also, its always great to stand out at any function but having a color that is far too bright can be a bit awkward for some people so try to go for a medium tone if you can.

Never Go Out Of Style

Be sure to understand the dress code for the dinner!

I can’t stress this enough. If you’ve received an invitation that says “Semi-Formal” or “Casual” wear, please dress as such! It doesn’t matter if its your family or your close friends, you should always come dressed presentable to the occasion.

Thanksgiving dinners are usually semi-formal which is a good thing! There’s no stress about having to wear a tie or which shoes go with the belt or having to choose between two button ups that you love. My personal semi-formal look that I’ve come to perfect is a nice pair of Khakis, a nice solid colored button up, and a grey sweater. Put it all together with a great pair of Oxfords and I’m ready to go!

Dressing up for Thanksgiving is not meant to torment you, although some people would disagree. It’s just bringing out the best of you when it comes to fashion. Unlike going to a five-star restaurant, there’s no pressure as to what you should wear. Just follow what the invitation says and go from there!


I’ll keep this short and simple for you:

Don’t wear too many accessories! It can become disruptive at the table as your passing food around and, lets be honest, it just gets in the way of your path to the food.

A nice watch, ring, and maybe a bracelet is all you really need to top off your amazing outfit.

What To Bring

While most Thanksgiving hosts advise you “not” to bring anything to the dinner, you should always bring something.

Trust me, I know from experience.

Usually its very formal to bring a dish or, if you can’t cook, a nice bottle of wine will suffice. DO NOT bring store bought deserts.

Again, I know from experience.

Wines can be tricky, however. There’s a plethora of wines out there but only a few get a passing grade when it comes to pairing it with Thanksgiving food. Here’s a few to get you started:


  • Gewurtraminer (Sweetest)
  • Riesling (Sweet)
  • Sauvignon Blanc (Dry)


  • Zinfadel (Sweetest)
  • Pinot Noir (Sweet)
  • Syra (Dry)

So there you have it! Some great tips to help you stand out this Thanksgiving and be the bell of the ball at the dinner.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!



Owning Your Audition

The Do’s and Don’ts of Modeling and Acting Auditions


So you’ve just obtained your first booking and you can’t wait to show off everything that screams your uniqueness! Congrats! It’s always an amazing moment when you get the text or email that says that professionals would like to see more of you. Like many models and actors starting out (myself included) there’s going to be so much going through your mind that you just might lose yourself before the audition even happens!

Always keep in mind the old proverb: “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch!”. And while you’re at it, take a few of these pointers with you on your way to stardom!


Be You

You’re going to hear this advice everywhere you go and there’s a good reason for it; IT WORKS. Chances are, photographers and casting agents have already seen the “Naomi Campbell”, “Brad Pitt”, and of course “Beyonce” impersonators and they’re tired of it. They want something original that could very well be YOU! Nowadays, agents will tell you that you have to keep up with pop culture and television, which is true, but at the same time you don’t want to become a carbon copy of what you’re researching. You may think that you need to be a certain type of “funny” or “pretty” in order to be considered for stardom but if you already have the confidence to even start the journey for this career then you’ve already got what it takes. So stand up straight, square those shoulders and break some legs!


Follow Directions

You should always treat an audition like an interview for a 9-5 job. Usually there’s a couple of things you’ll have to do before you actually get to the audition. Copies of your resume, headshots, video reel, and proper attire. All of these count for something at any audition. Many times, however, an audition can be at short notice and you may not be able to obtain everything by the next day.


Don’t panic! Although you may think its the end of the world for the audition, all you have to do is let the casting agency know of everything you won’t be able to obtain and they’ll understand. BUT, try to have multiple copies of everything you need for an audition in a safe place in the future. You don’t wont to build a reputation of being unprepared in this business. Plus, it’s only a matter of time before casting agencies start calling you every hour of the day!


Respect The Agency AND The Other Talent

Alright, you’re at the audition. You’ve followed all the directions and you’re ready for whatever they throw at you. BUT you’re not the only one who has received the call. At any given audition there is going to be more than just you there. You may think you need to concentrate and focus on your own art and audition but too much concentration can be bad for the audition. So what do you do?


The people there are literally going through the same thing you are! Talk about it, laugh about it, and trade notes about it! You should always look for new connections in the business because you never know where that connection is going to take you. Always be nice and respectful to your fellow friends in this business, even if some of them aren’t looking for new connections. You never know who’s watching you from the sidelines so always stay positive!


– Syd