Beauty From The Inside Out

Look Good. Feel Good. DO Good.

Its an age old saying that still stands true today. But it in today’s adult world of careers, families, social life, and everything in between it can be quite difficult to take care of yourself both mentally and physically.

Here’s a few tips on how you can better yourself without completely exhausting yourself in the process!

Small Excercises

That’s right.

Jumping Jacks, Sit ups, push-ups, you name it! Exercising loosens you up and give you energy. It’s the second best thing to waking up besides coffee!

I’m not telling you to run out and get that gym membership you’ve been putting off for the last three New Year Resolutions, but I am telling you to start small. The hardest part about exercising is getting up and doing that first rep. Once you’ve started, the focus just comes to you and you’re on your way.

BONUS: You shouldn’t just exercise your body on a regular schedule. You should exercise your mind too! In today’s world, technology rules everything! You can literally do anything from the tip of your fingers including: freshen your math skills, learn a new language, even make a movie!

Or you could just get the top score on Candy Crush Saga.

Treat Yo’ Self

Another popular saying that has great meaning.

Fit life has plenty of exercises you can perform to tweak your body to the way you want it but if you don’t eat right, then you’ll be working out for nothing. Meal prep, dieting, and proportioning your intake can go a long way in the art of working out.

BUT you don’t have to do this everyday!

Seriously, you can “treat yo self” to the occasional pizza, ice cream, or whatever else foods that in the fitness world are deemed bad for you!
