Going the Distance

People change.

It’s a well known fact that people still find surprising in most situations but its the absolute truth. Whether they grow into an amazing person that you continue to love or they grow into their true colors which can sometimes lead to bad vibes, you have to be the one to choose who you distance yourself from. This small but necessary step is one of the main keys in any industry you choose to pursue.

Becoming Who You’re Meant To Be

It’s one of the greatest feelings in the world when you finally find what you’ve been looking for inside of you. But in all its glory, close friends and family may be a little hesitant to accept it.

Don’t let this discourage you!

People are going to have ideas and thoughts about what they feel you should do until the end of time. If you know deep down in your heart what your passion is then pursue it! You can’t let everyone put their ideas into your melting pot because then you lose ownership of it. You also lose the hunger that’s needed to go for what it is you really want and then, like dominoes, everything starts falling over.


Old Friends Vs. New Friends

It’s become cliche to say but I’m a TOTAL people person.

Unlike most of my family, I embrace the idea of going to new places and meeting interesting people. I love to talk and have deep conversations about real-world things and if a friendship just so happens to spring from that conversation then so be it. In a profession like mine, the more friends or “connections” you have, the better.

But I’ve noticed over the years that with all the new faces entering my life, many of my old familiar faces are suddenly leaving. I can’t lie and say that I don’t miss those old faces but I’ve come to accept their departure.

If you’re spiritual then this is where you would say that “God only puts in the people that you need and weeds out the people that you don’t” or something of that nature. If you want to look at it that way, so be it. Just know that it’s not the end of the world. Maybe (hopefully) those familiar faces are taking some time to find themselves and what they want to do with their life. Maybe (hopefully) they just need a break from everyone to do so.

We never really know what the universe has in store for us. All we can do is just take it as it comes with grace.


Keep Your Enemies Closer

No, I’m not talking about joining a mafia or becoming a spy.

In just about any career that you choose to do you’re going to have plenty of enemies within it. Guess what? That’s a good thing!

When you have enemies within the workplace that usually means your doing something right. To add insult to injury, you’re probably doing something right and better than said enemy. Let this motivate you to continue to push harder. You wan’t to be the top dog of anything you do and if that means ruffling feathers with some people then so be it.

With that being said, you have to be ready for whatever that said enemy has to throw at you. In this profession, enemies will play the dirtiest in order to get to the top first. Just look at Naomi Campbell and Tyra Banks. As outlandish and wild as that feud is, I’ve seen and endured so much worse.

But no matter what has been done to me I still keep going. Because theirs nothing an enemy hates more than perseverance.

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