The Aquarian Jewelry Box

No outfit is complete without the proper accessories to set it off. Choosing what jewelry to accent your outfit with can be the most difficult, yet most exciting task of getting dressed. As I have mentioned in my first post My Personal Style, I am a typically a gold girl when it comes to jewelry. However, I do not discriminate. When choosing the jewelry for the Aquarian, I think about, not only what the customer would find appealing for herself, but for a possible gift as well.

I believe The Aquarian jewelry is great for a multitude of occasions. For starters, for my football fans, we have some great collegiate jewelry. I am based in Alabama, so naturally I carry University of Alabama and Auburn University items. I may be a little biased *cough Roll Tide cough*, but fair is fair.

My collegiate jewelry ranges from earrings and bracelets to jewelry sets. I absolutely LOVE this Alabama-shaped, druzy earrings.


Chokers have really made a comeback in the last few years and I hope they continue to stay! I think chokers are great for a casual fun look, or if you’re going for something more sensual, they are a fantastic choice as well. They do well paired with an off-shoulder piece, a v-neckline piece, or pretty much any neck baring look!


What I like about dainty pendants is that they can be incorporated with a bold look as well as used to top off a simple ensemble. Sometimes an outfit is so bold on it’s own, that adding statement piece like a long, layered necklace can cause the entire look to become over the top and “cluttered”, as I like to say. When you’re outfit is already the statement, a dainty pendant necklace is the perfect piece to add to it, without taking away from the clothing itself. These matte bar necklaces are some of my favorite items!


Rings and bracelets are a close second on my favorites list! What I love about the rings and bracelets at The Aquarian is that, like most of my merchandise, they are so versatile! These aren’t items you need to be attending a wedding or special ceremony to wear! They are casual enough to wear to the neighborhood barbecue, but cute enough to still spice up your outfit.  I carry individual costume rings, as well as some sets!




Last, but not least are the earrings and jewelry sets! I am going to be honest. I had never heard of druzy stone until I started this business! I had already received some of my merchandise when a friend commented on how cute my druzy choker was and immediately googled it. Now I love druzy jewelry! I have druzy stud sets, as well as individual studs that are great for any occasion as well as many ages.


I also have some adorable dangle earrings. The jewelry sets contain necklaces, with matching earrings. They would be perfect add on to a gift, or as a present by itself.

The jewelry in this post is only a fraction of what all I have to offer! I hope you enjoyed getting a little peak into The Aquarian Jewelry box. Click the website link at the top of the page and check out the rest! Until next time! 


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